Like Father, Like Son: Diddy’s Son King Combs Sued for Sexual Assault

Sean “Diddy” Comb has been sued. Again.
This time, he is co-defendant to his son, Christian “King” Combs.
Grace O’Marcaigh filed a suit against King in LA Superior Court on Thursday, alleging that he sexually assaulted her in late December of 2022. This happened when she worked as a crew member and bartender on a yacht chartered by his father.
She is zeroing in on the producer and music mogul for aiding and abetting, as he “had full control of the staff and premises” and created conditions that led to the assault. He also allowed them “to behave carelessly, as they observed and mimicked his actions.”
In the suit, O’Marcaigh alleges that King appeared to be “heavily intoxicated” when he got on board late one night. He made her his subject of inappropriate attention, uncomfortably so, and pressured her to take shots of tequila, which he poured.
She believes they were spikes, as they made “everything blurry, unusually quickly.” And he became increasingly aggressive with her, groping her legs, breast, and vagina.
The two were in a music studio on board the ship when the exchange happened.
Rodney Jones, Diddy’s former music producer, was on the yacht, and he was told to capture everything around the clock for the rapper’s next album. The microphones in the studio allegedly recorded O’Marcaigh telling Combs to stop touching her and that she was not interested in him. A transcript of the same is attached to the suit.
But that’s not where things ended, the lawsuit claims.
Later that evening, Christian insisted that O’Marcaigh find him a place to sleep. She directed him to the ship’s dimly lit movie theater, which doubled up as a spare sleeping area in case all the rooms were taken. He cornered her again and blocked her from exiting. He took off his clothes and attempted to force her to perform oral sex. She was able to fight off his advances until another member of her crew walked in.
O’Marcaigh told the captain about the assault the following morning, but he didn’t believe her and failed to investigate it. She was made to personally work with the Combs and claims that the captain was given “a generous tip” to hush it up.
A couple of months later, she was eventually let go.
Included in the suit are photos of her bruised arm from the altercation with the “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop” artist. Per official documents, she is seeking damages for a total of 7 complaints against the father-son duo, including intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress. She claims that the alleged assault had an impact on her mental, emotional, and physical health and left her with severe suicidal ideation.
Aaron Dyer, an attorney for the father-son duo, called the lawsuit “lewd and meritless.”
O’Marcaigh is represented by Tyrone Blackburn, who also filed Rodney’s sexual assault and harassment lawsuit against the hip-hop mogul, seeking $30 million in damages.
This lawsuit is the latest in a series of allegations against the 54-year-old, accusing him of sexual misconduct and other illegal activities, and it comes amid a federal sex trafficking investigation involving raids on two of Combs’ homes by the FBI and Homeland Security.
Dyer called the investigations “nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits.” He said they’re “filled with the same kind of manufactured lies and irrelevant facts we’ve come to expect from Blackburn.”
He continued, “We will be filing a motion to dismiss this outrageous claim.”